One of my former Scoutmasters had a tradition at the end of every outing: Roses, Thorns, & Buds. We would circle up and reflect upon the highs and lows of our adventure by discussing what went well (the roses), what did not (thorns), and what we are looking forward to doing better next time (buds).
Now that we are done with 2020, it is time to reflect upon the year with an annual roses, thorns, and buds session.

Surprisingly, this was a very good year for me. In many ways, the combination of global events (COVID-19, economic turmoil, and fires) provided the kick I needed to push forward on goals I was putting off. The year brought many challenges, but I felt that I grew from many of them. I started exercising regularly and managed to complete some longer bike rides I’ve been meaning to do for a while. I also moved to a new city and started graduate school in robotics and computer vision. (Oh, and I finally started this blog!)
Perhaps most painfully, I realized how much I had lost through a combination of procrastination and hesitation. For the early part of my life, most of my goals have been “destination” based as opposed to “journey” based. This year forced me to reckon with how I was over-prioritizing destination goals (such as find the dream job) and neglecting the journey goals (exercise regularly and spent time with friends/family). I was already trying to refocus my goals before “social distancing” became the mantra of 2020, but I wish I had acted sooner.
As part of this reflection on goals, I realized that I had unintentionally abdicated my responsibilities to myself and to my community. This year underscored the precious nature of time and I felt that I was squandering my resources. The fact that I escaped 2020 unscathed by physical and financial turmoil reminded me that I needed to spend more time giving back to my community. Even though I spent time 3D printing face shields at the start of the pandemic, I felt that I was not giving enough as I coasted through the year while so many others struggled.

Furthermore, I did not meet all challenges with grace. There were moments I wish I exercised more patience. There were moments I should have been more direct in my conversations instead of beating around the bush. I made a lot of mistakes and I’m sorry I wasn’t always the person I would like to be, but I will not stop trying to get a little better every day.
Through all the ups and downs of the year, I made it through. Like many people, I struggled with the isolation of the year, but I was privileged enough to be in a position where I could move forward with some of my goals.
I am optimistic about 2021 and I learned many valuable lessons this year that I will put into practice next year. The most important ones are:
- Do not hesitate, but be patient if opportunities do not immediately bear fruit.
- Cultivate genuine relationships with vigor and do not be afraid to reach out to old friends.
- Keeping going and enjoy the journey.
Here’s to more adventures in 2021 and whatever obstacles we need to cross!