2024: Roses, Thorns, & Buds

Now that we are in the 3rd month of 2025, this is the most belated year in review post I have written. As a sneak peak for 2025’s review, the first quarter really sucked and the goals I set in motion last year have yet to pan out. Stay tuned!

In 2024, I achieved my goal of adding new stamps to my passport and facing my fear of turning 30. I quit my job, moved back home, and decided to try launching a startup.


  • I had an epic 30th Birthday extravaganza which involved a 2,000 mile roadtrip through the Nevada desert, 2 National Parks, and driving a steam locomotive.
  • Finally road the Skunk Train in Willits, California. This has been a longterm desire since learning about the railroad many years ago on California’s Gold.
  • Travelled to Japan for the first time to attend a robotics conference, which was absolutely fantastic.
  • Chased the Big Boy Steam locomotive going up Donner Pass and got some new great photos.
  • Travelled to Mexico for a friend’s wedding. This was such a wonderful experience to reconnect with other friends from grad school and immerse myself in another culture.
  • Squeezed in plenty of backpacking and camping in California, Nevada, and Oregon.
  • Reconnected with old friends.
  • Attended a Tech Con and started making new friends.
  • Received a mini-grant for my startup!
  • Went camping in Joshua Tree with my cousin — a trip we originally planned for 2020, before the pandemic!
  • Finished the year off spending the holidays with my grandparents and extended family.


  • When I decided to move back home, I made plans with a good friend to become roommates. Unfortunately, his employer dissolved his entire office location and I wound up living back at home.
  • I quit my “dream” job working at a robotics startup. The dream was not quite all that it was cracked up to be and I needed to make a change, but I definitely miss working with such incredible people.
  • One of my close friend’s dad passed away this year. He was a father figure for all the boys in our friend group growing up and his passing hit hard. I was so shocked I even struggled with how to best support my friend.
Even the prettiest places in the wild can contain so much garbage


  • Moving back to SoCal presents the start of a new chapter. I can reconnect with old friends, make new friends, and get on with the process of building a fulfilling life.
  • I have the opportunity to try to build a startup. I have several grants in the works (in addition to the one awarded at the end of 2024) and I am optimistic I can pull a prototype together with my partners.
  • Living a healthy life — physically and mentally.

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